REV-UP! Manufacturing provides customized trainings and upskilling for Connecticut employers to help them grow their businesses and build a stronger, vibrant workforce for a rapidly changing work world.
TALENT: Includes CCAT-qualified candidates and incumbent workers. CCAT-qualified candidates have been assessed and demonstrate high-level math and mechanical aptitude that align with jobs in manufacturing but require additional skills for higher level positions.
TRAININGS: Offering customized online and in-person trainings and technical support (up to $500 for technology support, e.g. computer) while funds remain on a first-come-first-served basis.
$7,800 WAGE SUBSIDIES: Offering mentor wage subsidies for companies who have identified an employee to assist the trainee with on-the-job support for eight weeks.
EMPLOYER ELIGIBILITY: Connecticut manufacturers who commit to upskilling a candidate through a training plan in partnership with the REV-UP! team. See below for more eligibility details.
Next LIVE Training…
Process Innovation Awareness Training provides participants from all departments with an understanding of the importance of focusing on organization’s processes. It provides the knowledge, skills and tools that aid process improvement efforts. Key tools, best practices and interactive exercises are used to provide a “learn by doing” approach that participants both enjoy and find beneficial.
Includes three sequential sessions: Process Improvement Principles and Tools, Understand the Process Improvement Lessons of Goldratt’s “Theory of Constraints”, Practicing Process Improvement.
Mar. 21, 28 & Apr. 4
9:00 am – 12 pm
222 Pitkin St, East Hartford
How to Enroll
After enrolling in REV-UP!, you will have an opportunity to choose Process Innovation Awareness Training.
- Basic Process Mapping Skills
- Manage Process Improvement-oriented meetings
- Identify the Bottlenecks
- Moving QC forward in the Process
- Sequencing and Batching
- Practice with “Process Improvement” examples
How REV-UP Works
- Employer enrolls their candidate in REV-UP.
- CCAT and employer meet to go over program details and any questions.
- Candidate enrolls in REV-UP through Career ConneCT portals.
- Simultaneously, employer chooses a training plan from a menu of CCAT options and submits training agreement.
- Candidate completes trainings with on-the-job mentor support.
- Employer applies for $7,800 mentor wage subsidy.
Have questions? Contact Program Manager Cameron Diaz at cdiaz@ccat.us.
REV-UP! Manufacturing is a Career ConneCT program powered by CCAT and supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0128 awarded to the State of Connecticut by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the CT Office of Workforce Strategy. Cannabis related programs are not eligible for funding or support through federal funds.

Past Trainings
Industrial Sales Training
Industrial Sales Training prepares individuals for a sales (or a closely related role) in manufacturing. It is suitable for those with sales or customer service backgrounds or those with a sales/customer service mindset moving into such a role. This FREE hybrid course includes structured industrial sales training with exposure to current and emerging industry 4.0 and smart technologies. Students receive one-on-one coaching with the instructor for six weeks following the completion of training.
Includes six hours of classroom instruction, six hours of self-paced online instruction or Awareness Level Training in the CCAT Digital Thread Lab, and six hours of online 1:1 sales coaching.
- Build Your Client Base
- The CRM
- Developing Opportunities
- Prospecting
- Cultivating Relationships
- Communications
- Your Pitch
- Closing
- Campaign Creation and Execution
- Collateral Materials
- Program Administration
Instructor: Michael Cappello is a sales veteran with 30+ years of business development experience and producer of Rapid Business Development, capribd.com.
OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program
The 10-hour course is designed for safety steering committees, new safety managers, safety committee chairs,
plant managers/supervisors and employees with safety oversight or responsibilities. The credential is
recognized nationwide. Each course has a mix of mandatory/optional topic hours. The following matrix details
the available course topics:
- Introduction to OSHA, General Duty Clause, Inspections, Citations & Penalties
- Walking & Working Surfaces-Fall Protection
- Fire Protection & Means of Egress
- Hazardous Materials
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Lockout/Tagout
- Electrical & Safety-Related Work Practices
- Hazard Communications
- Welding, Cutting & Brazing
- Machine Guarding
- Material Handling
- Posting/Filing/Record Keeping
- Managing Safety & Health Programs
Customer Service Excellence
Customer Service Excellence for Manufacturing is designed to enhance the customer service skills of employees as it will increase their focus upon, and their ability to find customer service “improvement opportunities”.
Includes three “layered” modules to be taken in sequence across the course of the program to give participants time to work with the concepts and enhance retention and effectiveness.
- Learning and responding to customer needs
- Learning and responding to customer wants
- Communicating with your customers
- Identifying customer service standards for your business
- How, and in what ways, can you deliver your optimal customer service?
- Identifying high value/low-cost responses to customer complaints
Instructor: Robert Albright, Ph.D. is a founding partner with AIM consulting Associates who received his Ph.D. in Human Resource Management and Labor Relations.
Frontline Leadership Training
Frontline Leadership Training is designed to enhance the competence of employees as they progress from primarily technical roles into supervisory and management positions. This FREE training includes five in-person sessions held at CCAT. To be eligible, an employer must be a Connecticut manufacturer that has identified an “underemployed” incumbent worker who will receive a wage adjustment following completion of the program.
Includes five “layered” modules to be taken in sequence across the course of the program to give participants time to work with the concepts and enhance retention and effectiveness.
- Emotional Intelligence
- Communication
- Managing Performance
- Effective Feedback
- Team Dynamics
- Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
- Situational Leadership and Delegation